Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Phony PiS3

I grabbed this from the official sony site, when trying to actually convince myself that I needed a PS3 and that Black Friday would be the day for me to invest in the Blu-Ray player/PS2 w/ HDMI

"Backwards Compatibility
Due to the availability of an extensive (o really?) line-up of PS3™ system titles, the 160GB PS3™ system is not backwards compatible with PlayStation®2 system titles, but does maintain backwards compatibility for some original PlayStation® titles."

I really honestly think Sony doesn't care about making money anymore.

The Most Long Awaited Remix since Diddy Invented It

Top of the morning ladies & gentleman. While getting up @ the crack of dawn, 7:20 AM to be more specific, is usually a crime in my book, today the pain was washed away by the wonderful folks over at Capcom & Backbone Entertainment who finally released the HD Remix of one of the most well known fighting games of all time.
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo! The price of admission : 1200 Microsoft Points ~ $15 (I still don't understand why they don't have a better system)

So for those not in the know, its the old classic fighter we all know and love, so as not to muck anything up with something that wasn't broken, with a Hi-Def 1080p (p for pretty ) face lift. So needless to say the game is beautiful, and tight.
Here's a link ( to the main designer, David Sirlin, who "rebalanced " the game. He's got some game design knowledge that's always intriguing to me, and should be worth a gander if you're a SF fan.

What I wasn't sure about was the online network play. Previous streetfighters, and quite frankly all fighting games just cannot be played competitively online due to lag. It's critical in fighting games where input comes down to a frame of difference.
After going 5-6 online with my boy M. Bison I've got to say it's the best fighter I've played online yet. Thank you mighty Capcom Gods. Now when is Streetfighter 4 coming to the home consoles hmmmm??

And to answer your question, challengers ARE WANTED & WELCOME. You see the gamertag in top right. Don't be shy :)
Make sure to come prepared.

If you're stuck at work or just away from your xbox/ps3 and can't wait for a fix, here's something to increase the itch :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Kingpins' Blog Version 2.0

I've been meaning to do this for the longest, just feared that my Myspace readers would get lost in the transition over to another simpler site where I can just blog, and post up whatever peeks my interests more frequently.

To inaugurate my blog check out this video entitled What Really Happened to Abe Lincoln, that my roomates and I of 7104 just can't stop passing it around like Small Pox: